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Hillert family representative/Kathryn Hillert Brewer

Augsburg Fortress 1-800-328-4648

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GIA Publications 1-800-442-1358

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Holy Communion, the Daily Office and Other Rites

Decimals refer to the folder in the manuscript archive

Three Introits for Trinity l6-17-18; Psalm 46 66.07

Unison choir, congregation, keyboard

Worship Supplement, 1969 69.06
CPH, 1969

  1. The Holy Eucharist:
    Lord, Have Mercy (Kyrie); Glory and Praise (Gloria in excelsis); Offertory: What Shall I
    Render; Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus); Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)
  2. A Morning Service (Matins): Venite, Te Deum, Benedictus
  3. An Evening Service (Vespers): The Magnificat

Six Seasonal Responses for Unison Voices 72.01 (PDF downloadable)

Unison, keyboard
Texts: canticles prepared by John Arthur for ILCW

    1. God, Who Has Called You to Glory (General)
    2. Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain (Advent)
    3. The People Who Walked in Darkness (Christmas/Epiphany)
    4. I Called to My God for Help (Lent)
    5. Sing Praise to the Lord (Easter)
    6. Now, Listen, You Servants of God (General)

CPH, 1972
Also in Contemporary Worship 5— Services of the Word, Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship, 1972
Included as Canticles in LEW 1978

Te Deum (You are God, we praise you) 72.02 (PDF downloadable)

Congregation and organ, text: ILCW
In Contemporary Worship 5 — Services of the Word,
Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship, 1972, and in CW 9- Daily Prayer of the Church, ILCW, 1976 Included in Morning Prayer in Lutheran Book of Worship,1978 and Lutheran Worship, 1982
Revised in 2005 for Lutheran Service Book, 05.03

Create in Me 77.10 (PDF downloadable)

Psalm Canticle, LBW: Settings One, Two, Three

Canticles on Psalm Tones 77.11

Composed for LBW 1978:
Blessed Be the Lord (Benedictus), LEW #2;
You Are God (Te Deum laudamus), LBW#3;
Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord (Venite exultemus), LBW# 4 Not included in LBW:
You Are God (Te Deum laudamus), Gregorian Tone, Mode 4, Tonus simplex monasticus

Liturgical music for Lutheran Book of Worship 78.04

LBW Accompaniment Edition, Liturgy, APH, 1978)

    1. The Holy Communion, Setting One
      The Kyrie
      The Hymn of Praise:
      Glory to God
      Worthy Is Christ
      The Salutation
      Alleluia / Return to the Lord Your God
      Gospel Acclamations
      The Offertories:
           Let the Vineyards
           What Shall I Render
      The Great Thanksgiving
      The Preface Dialog
      The Proper Prefaces
      Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
      Through Him, with Him, in Him
      Lamb of God
      Post-Communion Canticles:
      Thank the Lord and Sing
      Lord, Now You Let Your Servant
      Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God, see 77.10
    2. The Holy Communion, Setting Three
      Accompaniments for: Kyrie; Glory to God; What Shall I Render; Holy, Holy, Holy;
      Lamb of God; Lord, Now You Let Your Servant
    3. Morning Prayer
      Opening versicles and Gloria Patri
      Oh, Come. Let Us Worship (Venite exultemus)
      Paschal Blessing; You Are God (Te Deum laudamus)
      Four Psalm Tones: Nos. 5-6-9-10
    4. Canticles
           LBW number:

1 Jesus, Lamb of God
2 Blessed Be the Lord (Benedictus)
3 You Are God (Te Deum laudamus)
4 Come, Let Us Sing (Venite)
7 Climb to the Top of the Highest Mountain
8 The People Who Walked in Darkness
9 I Called to My God for Help
10 Sing Praise to the Lord
11 Now Listen, You Servants of God
12 God, Who Has Called Us to Glory

Joyous Light of Glory. 78.08 (PDF downloadable)

Cantor, congregation, organ
Canticle for Service of Light (Phos hilaron),
Text from Evening Prayer, LBW

Liturgical music for Lutheran Worship 82.05

LW Accompaniment for the Liturgy, CPH ,1982)

  1. Divine Service II, First Setting (see LBW, 78.04)
  2. Morning Prayer: Versicles, Gloria Patri, Paschal Blessing,
    Te Deum

Festival Liturgy 83.01 (PDF downloadable)

Congregation, choir (unison, and SATB), cantor, opt. oboe, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, timpani, organ
Lord Jesus, from Your Wounded Side (Sprinkling Rite ),
Glory to God (Glory to God), Alleluia, Holy, Holy, Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great
Amen, The Lord's Prayer, Lamb of God (Lamb of God)
Commissioned for the Chicago Archdiocesan Choral Festival, Holy Name Cathedral, 1 May l983, Carl Schalk, dir.
GIA, 1983

Sentences for The Venite 83.09 (PDF downloadable)

Congregation, optional accompaniment
LBW Morning Prayer with Canticle 4
Written for, not included, in Laudamus, 1984

Glory to God 84.01 (mp3 file) (PDF downloadable)

SATB, congregation, organ with opt. brass quartet, timpani
From Festival Liturgy.

Evening Prayer 84.09 (PDF downloadable) (PDF downloadable)

Cantor, congregation, organ, opt. instruments.
Text: LBW Evening Prayer

Festival Setting of the Communion Liturgy 85.07 (PDF downloadable)

Congregation, choral descants, brass (2 trumpets, 2 trombones, opt. horn and oboe), timpani, organ
LBW Setting One/LW Divine Service II, First Setting
CPH, 1987

Festival Setting of the Communion Liturgy - Handbell Edition 86.03 (PDF downloadable)

Setting One from LBW/LW arr. for congregation, handbells, organ. Handbell arr. by John Folkening
CPH, 1987

Festival Kyrie 90.03 / 97.10/ 00.01 (mp3 file) (PDF downloadable file) (PDF downloadable file)

Four antiphonal choirs, unison and SATB, organ, and opt. brass (2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba)
Text: traditional Kyrie, with troping, RH
For Easter Day, 15 April 1990, Grace Lutheran Church, John Folkening, dir.

Magnificat in the Eighth Tone 90.09 (PDF downloadable)

Cantor, SATB

The Communion Liturgy with Simplified Accompaniment 91.12 (PDF downloadable)

Congregation and keyboard
LBW Setting One/LW Divine Service II, First Setting
CPH, 1992

The Lord's Prayer 92.01

GIA, 1993

Lamb of God 92.03

Choir, congregation, organ with opt. trumpet
Octavo from Festival Liturgy
GIA, 1992

Lord Jesus, from Your Wounded Side 92.09

Choir, congregation, organ with opt. trumpet or oboe
Octavo from Festival Liturgy
GIA, 1992

The Communion Service with Simplified Accompaniment 93.03 (PDF downloadable)

Congregation and keyboard
LBW Setting One/LW Divine Service II, First Setting
CPH, 1994

The Paschal Blessing for Morning Prayer 93.11  

For cantor and congregation            
Texts prepared by Philip H. Pfatteicher for Daily Prayer of the Church           
Settings for Advent, Christmas/Epiphany, Lent, Easter

Antiphon: Maundy Thursday 94.04 (PDF downloadable)

"I will lift up the cup of salvation"
SATB, harp or keyboard

You Have Shone Forth from a Virgin 97.11

Troparion after the Sixth Reading, Vesper—Liturgy of the
Nativity of Christ

Festival Te Deum II 01.07 (mp3 file)

Congregation, brass quintet, organ
Text: LBW Morning Prayer, Paschal Blessing
For Concordia University, River Forest, IL, Alumni Reunion, July, 22 2001

Salutation at the Preface 01.10

For revision of Setting One
Text: before The Prayer of the Day
Prepared for the Commission on Worship, LCMS,

LBW Setting One: additions, revisions 02.06

For congregation and keyboard
Commissioned by Augsburg Fortress
Kyrie (a. Simple three-fold, b. Simple three-fold [Greek], c. Nine-fold); Trisagion; Gospel Acclamations; Eucharistic Acclamations; Gloria (Setting One with Refrains)

Verses and Offertories


Verses and Offertories 78.01

For Lesser Festivals, Commemorations, and Occasions Choir (unison), organ
21 alleluias and verses; 15 offertories
Texts from appointed propers, for the three-year lectionary, Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978, 2 volumes
APH, 1980

Verses and Offertories for The Nativity of Our Lord 78.02

Choir (unison), organ
The Nativity of Our Lord: Midnight; Dawn; Later Service Christmas Day
APH, 1981

Verses and Offertory Sentences 79.03

Advent through Christmas
Choir (mostly unison), organ
Text: propers from three-year lectionary, LBW and LW
2 alleluias, 9 verses, 9 offertories
Choir and choir/accompaniment editions; CPH, 1980

Alleluia Verse: Pentecost 7: 83.10

"Alleluia This is to my Father's glory"
SATB, organ

Alleluia Verse: Baptism 91.10

Oboe, string quartet, choir, keyboard
Text: LBW liturgy for Holy Baptism

Four Settings of Verses of the Days of Christmas 94.03 (PDF downloadable)

Unison voices and organ
Texts from Christian Worship: Christmas Eve; Christmas Day; First Sunday after Christmas; Second Sunday after Christmas
NPH, 1994

Alleluia Verse: Baptism in Lent 95.04 (PDF downloadable)

Oboe, string quartet, choir, keyboard
Text: LBW liturgy for Holy Baptism:
"Glory and praise. Lord Jesus Christ"

Alleluia Verse: Easter Day 95.05 (PDF downloadable)

Choirs, brass, organ
Text: LBW propers: "Alleluia Christ being raised from the dead"

Alleluia and Verse: Pentecost 7C 95.11 (PDF downloadable)

SATB, organ
"Happy are they who hear the word"

Verse for Funerals and Memorial Services 02.10

Cantor, SATB, and keyboard

Alleluia for the Day of Pentecost 03.10

Alleluia and Verse
Choir, keyboard; also scored for brass quartet and timpani
For the 30th Anniversary of the Ordination, The Rev. S. Anita Stauffer



Responsory: Apostles and Evangelists Days 66.05

"Take my yoke upon you..."

Responsory: After Pentecost 70.07

"We bless the Father and the Son..."
SATB, brass quartet, glockenspiel

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 71.04

"I baptize you with water..."
High /low voices, tambourine, organ

Four Responsories 78.12

Ascentiontide, Throughout the Year, Christ the King, Christmastide

Responsory: Corpus Christi (Maundy Thursday) 83.08

"The Living Father has sent..."

Responsory: Throughout the Year 97.13

"Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed"
Cantor, SATB