Enjoy the following video presentations of dialogs and panel discussions on various topics in church music.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Starke: Congregational Song: Faith, Hope, and Comfort in Christ!

Lisa M. Clark: Heaven and Nature Sing - Eschatology in Christian Hymnody

Emily Woock: Beyond the Children's Choir: Focused Experiences for Children in Worship

Daniel G. Baker: Cosmological Implications of Martin Luther's Philosophy of Music Education

Nancy Raabe: The Current Scene

Christina Roberts: Developing and Utilizing a Children's Core Hymnody (Kernlieder)

Rev. Dr. Dean Nadasdy: Making Beautiful Music - Aesthetics and the Song of the Church

Anna & Sam Moody: Starting a Fine Arts Academy in Your Congregation

The Hymnody of Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.: A Call for Christian Outreach and Social Ministry

Amanda Husberg 1940-2021: An Appreciation of Her Hymn Tunes

The Hymnody of Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.: A Call for Christian Outreach and Social Ministry

Still a Resonant Voice for "The Living Voice" -- The Life and Legacy of Carl Schalk

Carl Schalk & Kevin Hildebrand: Music in Early Lutheranism

Karol Kimmel: "Hymnody and Children" - Hymn Society

Karol Kimmel: "Church Year and Children"

Mark Lawson and Carl Schalk: "Introduction to Congregational Hymnody" - Hymn Society

Adam Francisco: "A Certain Word in Uncertain Times"

Chad Fothergill: “The Lutheran Cantor in the21st Century” October 2019

Paul Westermeyer: “Why Manz Still Matters” - October 2019

Samuel Eatherton: "Singing and Spiritual Formation in Children" - October 2018

Anton Armstrong: "Body, Mind, Spirit, Voice: Our Calling as Pastoral Musicians" - January 2018

Robin Leaver: "How Martin Luther and other pastors introduced hymns in the Wittenberg churches." - November 2017

Kevin Hildebrand: “Make This Plain...in Song” Plenary Presentation. LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music – July 2017

Rev. Dr. Paul Grime: “Reflections on the Development and Introduction of Lutheran Service Book (2006)”

Dr. Michael Hawn: “An Appreciation for Lutheran Contributions to the People's Song” - October 2016

Gerhard Cartford (1923-2016): “Itinerant Musical Evangelist” - March 2016

Stephen Starke: "The Craft of Hymn Writing 1" - October 2015

Still a Resonant Voice for "The Living Voice" -- The Life and Legacy of Carl Schalk

Mark Mattes: "Luther on the Theology and Beauty of Music" - October 2015

Rev. Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor: "Perfectly Prophetic Proclamation: The Church's Song at Its Best" - October 2014

Dr. David Mennicke: "2014 Poheler Lecture Series"

Betsy Werner and Paul Soulek: "Keynote Address at the 2014 LCMS Worship Institute"

Carl Schalk and Paul Westermeyer: “Lutheran Identity and Congregational Song”

Daniel G. Baker: Cosmological Implications of Martin Luther's Philosophy of Music Education

Lisa M. Clark: Heaven and Nature Sing - Eschatology in Christian Hymnody

Rev. Dr. Stephen Starke: Congregational Song: Faith, Hope, and Comfort in Christ!